Monday, October 24, 2011

I've Moved.

My internet acres are changing. I am now moved in with a new landlord. Come stop on by. Change your google readers and such if you had em to this new site. See you there!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Seen Now Shared VIII

Oops...had a busy week. Haven't posted since last Seen Now Shared, but this week should be well worth the wait and there is plenty I am sharing with you. So get excited....but not too excited, that would be weird.

Here we go!

Go to this website. It is quite creative and fun, plus you get to fight a dragon (spoilers...oops.)

Dave Barnes tweeted about these pictures of people reacting at a Haunted House...quite funny.

Tyler Stanton wrote some good rules when it comes to weddings that we should all start to follow.

Vote for Clark! My friends put their baby in the running to be on the cover of Parents magazine. You should go vote for him.

 It was only a matter of time before someone did this...

Being home for the Mizzou homecoming parade caused this to be a topic of conversation this Saturday.

He got Goosed........wordplay.

If Ron Swanson really was in Super Punch Out it would be impossible to win that game.

Fly away little guy. Fly away.

Time to get interactive. What do you like best about Seen Now Shared?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Seen Now Shared VII

Thursday is here. Time to share some things that I think you should check out from around the world wide web.

Gotta start you off with Tripp and Tyler's first video release from this years Catalyst conference. Looks like they delivered once again, and they are getting us in shape while doing so!

I want to know how they stop. That will be impressive.

This has been out for awhile. I don't watch too many Kanye West videos, but if you add Zach Galifianakis and farm equipment I will give it a go.

The Good Greatsby delivered some A+ reading material again this week when he let us know how he teaches his kids to smack talk. Not gonna lie, I learned a lot as well. (Also, while you are there, check this out. Paul gives me some great advise on my lack of smelling ability.)

He must not be a fan of awkward dancing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Travel Day, and Go With me in my search to figure out my lack of smelling ability


Today will be a long day. Got to work early and finish working early so we can get on the road to Missouri to see our families and friends. A solid 8 and a half hour drive. But today, I hope you will go check this out.

I asked The Good Greatsby for advice on why I do not have a sense of smell, and he answered!!! I really feel like I have figured some things out this morning. Please hop on over and check it out. Click here if you don't want to move your mouse back to the other link. Or if you like full linkage. look below! That link is made just for you.

Smell ya later....wait a second

Monday, October 10, 2011

Terrifying Turkey

I recently found the following video from a tweet by a local sports reporter. I at first though this might be entertaining to see, but as soon as I turned it on fear kicked in. I felt fear, compassion, and gratitude as I watched this video. I felt fear as being chased by any wild animal does not sound like much fun in any scenario. I felt compassion for the reporter who was being chased. This turkey seemed relentless in his approach. And finally I felt gratitude that I was not the person behind the camera. 

The reason I am having such feelings about this video is because, I too know how it feels to be assaulted by a turkey. Before we get into that, please watch the following video, then I will recount my horror story.
(See the whole news story here.)

When I was a child we had numerous animals. We usually had about 2 or 3 dogs at a time, 2 or 3 cats, rabbits on occasion, we once had 2 ducks (story for another time when one died), we would also have up to about 200 chickens (I named one Rusty, when he died, Rusty 2, we got up for Rusty 9 I think before I gave that up.), we had a pig when I was really young, and one time my dad brought home a turkey. The turkey was to be a pet and live with chickens.

One day my sister and I had some friends over. I was probably 8 years old. We lived in the country and what you do in the country is play outside. We were all out playing in the yard and at the time the chickens and the turkey were out roaming the yard as well eating grass and what not, being your typical chickens.We hadn't had the turkey long, hence him having no name, I used to name all our animals.The turkey was a bit of a wild card you could say. He had not been around long, he was not a chicken, and I believe he thought he was the stuff, because he was bigger than everyone he lived in the coup with.
Even this turkey thinks he is the stuff. Arrogant birds!
While we were playing my friends and I must have gotten to close to the turkey. He started to strut. Us being 8 year old boys we were probably all scared to death, but had to pretend to be tough so we got our strut on as well. I got closer, but still just checking him out, not in his bubble at all. I put my hand out, most likely to pet* Tom the Turkey(which probably would have been his name if he didn't turn on me). When I reached out my hand that stupid turkey had had enough I guess............. 

He bit me!

The dumb turkey bit me, right between my thumb and pointer finger. As soon as it happened I began to cry like a baby. The bite didn't actually hurt, but I was scared to death.....the turkey bit me! Turkeys bite? Who knew? 

I ran into the house and told my mom, typical move. "Mom! The turkey bit me!" I screamed through my tears. I don't remember her exact response, but all I remember her deciding was that we would have to tell my dad that the turkey has got to go.

The turkey didn't last long after that. 

I will tell you this. We had turkey for dinner a few nights later....apparently....I bite back!

Teach that bird to mess with me.

*False, I was definitely putting my hand out to taunt this bird.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Seen Now Shared VI

To Start off this weeks Seen now Shared I want to pay tribute to Steve Jobs who recently passed away. Here is his 2007 keynote address introducing the iPhone.

Saw this over at Church Mag. It involves Legos...that is all you really need to know.

Good intervew with NeedtoBreathe and RELEVANT Magazine you should check out here. Yeah, I just shoulded on you.

Really cool post at right here about a woman who is deaf hearing her own voice for the first time.

Coolest kid ever?!? Very possible.

Monday, October 3, 2011

An Interview with the Evil Eye Baby

If you have not seen the above video before you must not be from here. This video is one of the best in all the interwebs. I assume the video was filmed around the early 2000's and it if were later, please don't ruin it for me. Anyway, I was wondering this morning where the Evil Eye Baby is now, how old he is, and how he deals with all his fame and fortunes. I have come to the decision it was 2001, so that makes this kid 11 years old and in 6th grade now. The following is what I believe it might look like if I were to interview him.

Me: Hello Evil Eye Baby, let's get this show on the road. How many autographs do you sign a day?
Evil Eye Baby: I don't know like 7 to 10. It depends on how much homework Mr. Bojangles assigns in 3rd period English.

Me: Do you care if I call you Evil Eye Baby, I don't know your real name.

EEB: I would care if you used questions marks, why are you too lazy to go back and change your last statement to a question?

Me: I will be asking the questions here?...dang it. Anyway, is it hard for you to walk down the street with all your fans you must have?

EEB: is really hard to do, but not because of the fans.....I lived on the fact I could give em the evil eye. People loved it so much I never had to learn to walk. I would just get requests to give the evil eye everywhere I went. People would carry me from one table to the next. I really bottomed out when I went to pre-school and other kids were able to make funny faces and walk. Obviously, their faces weren't as great as mine.


EEB: But I was just so far behind all the others. I finally learned to walk in 2nd grade. I quit giving the evil eye once I could walk, and people were not as interested some random 2nd grade kid who could barely walk.



Me:Oh...yeah...rough stuff. I think I really only have one more question for you...could you...give em the evil eye???
Me: Fine....I will just go watch the video again...after posting this picture of you.

I see that this still image says March 31, 2007....but still...please don't ruin it for me. It would be more fun to interview a 4 year old though....maybe some other time.

Question to my reader(s)? What is your favorite old school video or internet classic out there on the information super highway?