Thursday, August 4, 2011

Life without a Sense fo Smell...updated 8/4/11

When you have no sense of smell people ask you a lot of questions and make a lot of comments.
Starting now those questions/comments will be documented. (Wish I had started this years ago.)

  1. You can't smell popcorn?
  2. Can you taste?
  3. Walk out here, you will be able to smell this. (Nope...still can't.)
  4. You can't smell flowers? 
  5. Smell this.....oh yeah....sorry. (It's ok, sometimes I just pretend to smell it to avoid this.)
  6. You're an %*^#*^$^$ liar. (one of my favorite reactions)
  7. What does this smell like? (umm...just told you, I don't have that ability....but...roses, right?)  

More to come...