Dressed up for some Bowling
Time to tell of a
night of fun on a Pick-A-Date in Ft. Wayne. We started the night off with some dinner at Flat Top restaurant, it is pretty much an exact replica of HuHot, or HuHot is an exact replica of Flat Top I am not really sure. I will leave that up to you the reader to decide, but I believe they may both go back to ancient times and their origins are untraceable today.We enjoyed our meals with our group of 30+ and went on our
way to where the real action was for the night, Crazy Pinz! It was the sweetest bowling alley out there.Rated the top new bowling alley of 2007 in Bowling Magazine. (67% of statistics in this blog are made up and reflect the thoughts solely of the author, but for real though, this statistic is actually true. Not sure the actual magazine though.) Miriam and I enjoyed a lane with her roommate Katie and her "friend" John. We were lane neighbors with Holly, Stacy, Corey, and Adam.
We started our bowling night off with a little couples challenge. The couple with the highest total score would be declared the winner. Things did not start off to hot for Miriam and I, or maybe just Miriam. Through 4 frames Miriam had a total of one pin. Our team was not out of the running yet though. I coached Miriam's game a little and she ended her game up in the high 80's. Adding that to my score we did pull off the upset victory. Only an upset really as we did fall a little behind coming out of the gate so slowly in the opening.
We were declared victorious and then continued on with our bowling from there, being a little less serious from then on.
Miriam and I did battle each other in a later game that evening with your winner being.....MIRIAM! Yes, I will admit that she defeated me. I can easily admit when I have been defeated. Oh and also there was one rule. She was bowling normal and she told me how to bowl each time. These types of bowling included through the legs, doing a 360 then bowling, left handed, throwing the ball overhand, and I even had to kick the ball once. The kick did seriously hurt my foot, but I kept my head up and finished strong, only losing by about 20 pins. I had a shot on the final frame, but could not pick up a strike with a through the legs bowl.
That was our night of competitiveness.
We pretty much just had a blast otherwise. Corey and I had some fun simalbowling (bowling at the same time) through the legs, and as you can see we did a great job of encouraging each other. It was a fun night of bowling. To top if off Crazy Pinz had a big screen showing the Final Four. I did miss UCLA/Memphis, but got to see Kansas destroy UNC, so I am actually not to sure how glad I really am about seeing that (authors note, there will be no blog reference of how Kansas ended their season, I will admit they did a great job this year, had a great team and I will not become a Mizzou fan who cheers more for a KU loss than for an MU win). UNC did make a comeback and made it interesting as Miriam, Katie, John, and I watched from McDonald's after bowling.
Also, here is a picture of Miriam and I at Crazy Pinz!
Well, that is it for our time on a great pick-a-date to Ft. Wayne. We all enjoyed ourselves as we had a great time. Look forward to future updates of our trip to Notre Dame and other things.Oh, if you wonder what we are doing at present time. Miriam is working on homework. She is studying as she has a test and a quiz tomorrow. I am watching the NBA playoffs. The Magic just beat the Raptors and now the Lakers and Nuggets are battling. Mizzou players in each of the last two games. (Dooling and Kleiza)Welp, See ya!
Check out Miriam's wicked cut she got while shaving that morning!
Also, don't be afraid to leave me some comments.
Why was I not informed that you have a blog????
Congrats on the upset!
I think you kinda "threw me under the bus" with your "didn't start off too well for Miriam" comment. :P
I am a creeper who likes to read your blog. And I think your girlfriend is hot.
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