Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Not So Weekly Five

Weekly upkeep is too much stress for me. From now on, it is the "not so weekly five", or the "whenever I feel like it five". Sometimes I might be to lazy and make it the "who cares two or three."

Anyway, here are the five for this time....

1. Road/Street signs that could be great Band/Song Names.
Dead End Alley, Slow Road Ahead, Left Lane Ends, and of course the classic "Share the Road". (editor note...found out Dead End Alley is a band....not sure if they are any good.)


3. (Must see if Zac Efron is starring!!!)

4. "The Decision" spoof

5. Old Spice is dominating advertisement right now.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Weekly Five: 7/9/10

The Weekly Five

Favorite Invention/Money Saver : Homemade Air Conditioner

Look up how to make your own here.

Favorite Snack : Peanut Butter Balls

They are by far my favorite snack that we make in our house. I have to discipline myself not to eat them all as soon as they are made.

Favorite New Snack: York Pieces!
Tried them out for the first time this week, they are quite delish. Gotta try Almond Joy pieces next!

Favorite Video: Pictures of Accidents
Some impressive moves/mistakes can been seen here.

Favorite Legality: Lebron James
By legal standards I have to mention Lebron James in this week's weekly five, as all forms of media, internet, blog, text, call, conversation, and so on must mention Lebron. Time for news story after news story of Lebron becoming D Wade's "Scottie Pippen". The Miami Heat are a team I have always really had no feelings for.....bummer.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday Musings-Back In My Day

Time for a new section of the blog, remember this blog is mainly just to keep myself entertained, but here we go, the first edition of "Monday Musings".

I recently decided I dislike the phrase "back in my day". If you say "back in my day", you are saying your best days are behind you. How can you be so sure? Maybe your best days are yet to come. If you are alive and breathing, today is your day. Saying "back in my day" is telling people you are starting to give up. Embrace your today. is a pic of the real Andy! What???

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Weekly Five 7/2/10

Favorite Video : Passing
This video has taught me some great lessons in how to properly walk down the street. Learn how to properly pass others on the street. Passing

Favorite Show: Wipeout
I laugh out loud at least 5 times every time I watch this glorious obstacle course. I strongly desire to go on this show or find a course very similar to it. Wipeout

Favorite News Story: Jumping Fish
Careful riding in your boats in this river. That Will Leave A Mark

Favorite Online Video Game: Super Mario Crossover
Playing Mario is always nostalgic, but add in other classics and it could become an obsession. SuperMarioCrossover.

Favorite Gospel Band: Down Home
You just have to see it to believe it....Down Home

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Weekly Five 6/25/10

Favorite Event: Extreme Days
I love Extreme Days so much! I wish every week could be Extreme Days! I strongly desire being there every year I have the ability to walk.

Favorite Blog: Stuff Christians Like
Check it out here---stuffchristianslike

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream from Cold Stone
Used a gift card to try this out the trip back to Minnesota. It was delicious. Added some peanut butter cups, the chocolate and peanut butter combo was great! Still have 34 cents left on my gift card for some more! (additional note....traded a Coldstone worker a pizza menu for a CPB sample, straight up, yesterday...what a sucker!)

Favorite Website: Liblr
You will spend a few minutes having fun replacing some words on Twitter yourself at Liblr. I encourage you to replace the word "people" with the word "beans", that was a good time!

Favorite Frozen Yogurt Place: Yogoluv
If someone brings Yogoluv to the Twin Cities I might give them a kidney. I love the atmosphere and ability to choose what you want and fill it up yourself! Go with great friends for an even better time!

Monday, June 21, 2010