Favorite Event: Extreme Days
Favorite Blog: Stuff Christians Like
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream from Cold Stone
Favorite Website: Liblr
Favorite Frozen Yogurt Place: Yogoluv
I love Extreme Days so much! I wish every week could be Extreme Days! I strongly desire being there every year I have the ability to walk.
Favorite Blog: Stuff Christians Like
Check it out here---stuffchristianslike
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream from Cold Stone
Used a gift card to try this out the trip back to Minnesota. It was delicious. Added some peanut butter cups, the chocolate and peanut butter combo was great! Still have 34 cents left on my gift card for some more! (additional note....traded a Coldstone worker a pizza menu for a CPB sample, straight up, yesterday...what a sucker!)
Favorite Website: Liblr
You will spend a few minutes having fun replacing some words on Twitter yourself at Liblr. I encourage you to replace the word "people" with the word "beans", that was a good time!
Favorite Frozen Yogurt Place: Yogoluv
If someone brings Yogoluv to the Twin Cities I might give them a kidney. I love the atmosphere and ability to choose what you want and fill it up yourself! Go with great friends for an even better time!