Thursday, September 22, 2011

Seen Now Shared IV

The good/not so good/great edition of Seen Now Shared
1. Good Championship Event that I might could win someday.

2. Not so good pass that I might have made before.

3.Good use of water.

4. Not So good use of stilts.

5. Good ideas to motivate yourself. (Unless you are allergic to bees....or even better if you are?)

6. Great Creativity. Impressed by the Creative Arts team at Woodcrest Chapel once again.


SethC said...

Hilarious stuff. I'm loving the stilt clip. Laughed out loud during my lunch hour watching it.

jknight31 said...

@Seth. That is one that youth workers should be aware of. I like to see clips like that to know what youth might be up to in their spare time.

Rob said...

I'm so thankful that people are idiots. It creates such great entertainment. That stilt thing is great.

Anonymous said...

#1 and mind has just been blown.

jknight31 said...

@Brynn and so has your nose.

Anonymous said...

When will scientists be able to explain why it's funny to see someone get hit in the face with a ball? It shouldn't be funny but it makes me laugh every time.